Virtual Try-On

Select Frame

  • Your PD : 00 mm
  • Your Face Width : 00 mm
What is PD?

PD (Pupillary distance) means the distance between the left and right pupils.It is said that the closer the position of your pupils is to the center of the lenses, the better the glasses fit you.

  • Please note that the PD and face width measured by this system are approximate values.
  • If you know your exact PD, please adjust the PD parameter value accordingly.
  • Each item is available in one size. The PD adjustment feature is not intended to change the size of the glasses, but rather to simulate how the glasses will fit based on the user's actual PD when trying them on.

Please face the camera
and align your face with the guide.

  • Face the camera directly
  • Align your face with the guide

