Terms Of Use

Chapter 1: General Provisions

Article 1 [Definitions]

  1. These Terms:Refers to these store terms of use.
  2. We/Us:Refers to the operator of the online store established through the use of this service (LIGNESPRING Co.,Ltd, hereinafter referred to as "we" or "us").
  3. This Service:Refers to the e-commerce services provided by us via the internet.
  4. Customer:Refers to a person who applies for products after fully understanding and agreeing to these terms and the Privacy Policy, as prescribed by us.
  5. User:Refers to a person who searches, browses, or uses the images, texts, designs, logos, videos, programs, ideas, and other information (hereinafter referred to as "Content") provided through this service after fully understanding and agreeing to these terms and the Privacy Policy.

Article 2 [Application of These Terms]

These Terms are established for users utilizing this service provided by us via the internet. Users are deemed to have agreed to these terms at the time they start using this service.

Article 3 [Changes to These Terms]

We may modify these terms within the scope of this service's objectives if deemed necessary. In the event of changes to these terms, we will announce the changes, the revised content, and the effective date on this website at least one month in advance. Users and customers who continue to use this service after changes to the terms are deemed to have agreed to the revised terms.

Chapter 2: Purchase of Products

Article 4 [Purchase of Products]

  • Users can purchase products from us through this service.
  • Users wishing to purchase products must apply for the purchase in accordance with the procedures separately prescribed by us.
  • By clicking the order button after confirming the delivery address, order details, delivery timing of the products (pre-order items with an estimated shipment around April 2025, though exact dates are not determined), and other information provided during the application process, and upon receipt of an order confirmation email from us, a sales contract for the product between the user and us is deemed to be established. Cancellation is not allowed after the contract is established.
  • Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, we reserve the right to cancel or take appropriate measures regarding the sales contract if any fraudulent or inappropriate actions related to the use of this service are identified.
  • Minors must obtain prior consent from their legal guardians to purchase products through this service. If a minor makes a purchase without such consent, we may cancel the sales contract.

Article 5 [Changes to Registration Information]

Customers must promptly notify us via email in the event of changes to their registered name, address, or other details provided to us. Transactions processed prior to the update will proceed based on the information provided before the update.

Article 6 [Payment Methods]

  • For domestic shipments, the payment amount is the total of the displayed product price, consumption tax, and any applicable fees.
  • For international shipments, consumption tax is not applied at the time of order. The payment amount is the total of the displayed product price, shipping fees, and other applicable fees.
  • For international shipments under personal import, customs duties, consumption tax, and customs clearance fees may be collected by the delivery company upon delivery. Specific amounts cannot be calculated in advance. Please check with the local customs office for details. Customers are responsible for bearing these costs.
  • The product price for international shipments will be converted into the local currency based on market exchange rates. To confirm prices in local currency, users may use the currency conversion menu.
  • Payment must be made using the methods prescribed by us. Products will not be shipped until payment is confirmed.
  • For credit card payments, customers must comply with the terms of their contract with their credit card company. We are not responsible for any disputes arising between customers and their credit card companies.
  • Similarly, for designated payment methods provided through payment companies, customers must comply with the terms agreed with those payment companies. Disputes between customers and payment companies must be resolved by the parties involved.

Article 7 [Product Returns]

Returns will be handled in accordance with the "Return Policy" stated in the [Legal Notice Based on the Act on Specified Commercial Transactions] available on our website.

Chapter 3: Handling of Personal Information

Article 8 [Handling of Personal Information]

We will handle personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is published separately on this website.

Chapter 4: User Responsibilities

Article 9 [Prohibited Activities]

Users or customers are prohibited from engaging in the following activities:

  1. Actions that cause, or may cause, inconvenience, disadvantage, or damage to other users, third parties, or us.
  2. Actions that infringe or may infringe the intellectual property rights, portrait rights, privacy, or other rights of third parties or us.
  3. Actions that violate or may violate public order, morals, or laws.
  4. Use of content obtained through this service beyond personal use.
  5. Duplication, sale, publication, distribution, or public display of content obtained through this service, or similar actions.
  6. Interference with the operation of this service.
  7. Actions that damage our credibility or reputation.
  8. Any other actions deemed inappropriate by us based on reasonable judgment.

Chapter 5: Disclaimers

Article 10 [Disclaimers]

  1. We bear no responsibility for damages caused to third parties due to users’ violations of these terms.
  2. The completeness, accuracy, reliability, or usefulness of the content provided through this service is not guaranteed.
  3. In principle, we shall not be liable to the user or purchaser for any damages arising from the use of the service, and we shall have no obligation to compensate for such damages. However, if the disclaimer clause does not apply for reasons such as the contract based on these Terms and Conditions between us and the user or purchaser falls under a consumer contract under Article 2, Paragraph 3 of the Consumer Contract Act (Act No. 61 of 2000), the provisions of these Terms and Conditions that completely disclaim liability for us shall not apply. In addition, if a contract under these Terms and Conditions constitutes a consumer contract and we are liable for damages based on default or tort, except in the case of willful misconduct or gross negligence on our part, the amount paid by the user or purchaser to us under these Terms and Conditions during the past one year from the date the damage occurred shall be the maximum amount of damages. We shall be liable for damages up to the amount paid by the user or purchaser to us under these Terms and Conditions during the past one (1) year from the date of the damage. It does not limit the rights of the Buyer under the Consumer Contract Act or other laws and regulations.
  4. In the event that the Purchaser fails or refuses to receive the Goods, is unable to receive the Goods due to an extended absence, is unable to find the delivery address, or is otherwise unable to receive the Goods for any other reason, SBI shall fulfill its obligation to deliver the Goods by contacting the Purchaser at the contact address registered by the Purchaser and bringing or delivering the Goods to the delivery address specified at the time of purchase. In such cases, the Buyer shall fulfill its obligation to deliver the goods by contacting the contact registered by the Buyer and bringing or delivering the goods to the delivery address specified at the time of purchase, and shall be discharged from such obligation.

Chapter 6: Miscellaneous

Article 11 [Copyrights and Intellectual Property Rights]

The contents provided through the Service shall belong exclusively to us or to third parties who have legitimate rights. In the event that a problem arises between a user or purchaser and a third party in violation of the provisions of this Article, said user or purchaser shall resolve said problem at his/her own responsibility and expense, and shall not cause any damage, loss, or disadvantage to us.

Article 12 [Governing Law]

All applicable laws regarding this Agreement shall be the laws of Japan.

Article 13 [Consultation and court of competent jurisdiction]

In the event that any matter is not stipulated in these Terms and Conditions or any question arises regarding the interpretation of these Terms and Conditions, we and the user or purchaser shall promptly resolve the matter through consultation in accordance with the principle of faith and good faith. The parties agree in advance that the court having jurisdiction over our location shall be the Tokyo District Court for all disputes related to these Terms and Conditions. In the case of a consumer contract, the court with jurisdiction over the purchaser's domicile shall be the court with jurisdiction over the purchaser's domicile.

Article 14 [Assignment, etc. of Contractual Status].

  1. Unless explicitly agreed to in advance in writing by us, purchasers may not transfer, assign, pledge, or otherwise dispose of their rights, obligations, or contractual position under these Terms to any third party.
  2. Purchasers hereby pre-approve and agree that, in the event we transfer our business related to this Service to a third party (including but not limited to business transfers, company splits, or other forms of business succession), the rights, obligations, and contractual position under these Terms relating to the relevant purchaser will be transferred to the said third party.

Article 15 [Severability]

If any provision or part of these Terms is deemed invalid or unenforceable under the Consumer Contract Act or other applicable laws, the remaining provisions and parts of these Terms shall remain in full force and effect.

Information About Us

Company Name: LIGNESPRING Co.,Ltd,
Representative: Izumi Yamamoto
Address: 2-20-8 Ebisu-Nishi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, 150-0021, Japan
Phone: +81-3-6337-5253